Trusting God With Your Future

The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say” Exodus 4:11-12

On the far side of a desert, high upon the mountain, a voice called out to Moses from within a curious, fiery bush. He had been tending the sheep of his father-in-law’s flock, going about his normal day-in-day-out tasks on the day that God spoke to him from the flames. On the day that God called Moses to a fresh and fiery mission. A mission of deliverance.

Once a noble prince of Egypt with the world at his feet, he had become a lowly shepherd with dust on his sandals. His crown had been traded in for a staff. The palace days were far behind Moses now. He fled them because of what he had done. Glancing to his left and right to be sure that no one would know what he was about to do, Moses took a horrible situation into his own hands and killed a man. He murdered an Egyptian and covered the death with sand.


Fear and shame bombarded his heart so he fled, away from his dream-filled, royal future to a desert place of humble hiding. The door to his yesterdays was closed. Moses had moved on to a new place. His past was his past and he had no intentions of returning to it. His life was different now. Normal, not noble.

Then God interrupted Moses’ new normal. His plans for Moses were different. Bigger. God’s intentions were for freedom, the freedom of His people, the Israelites, who were captives, slaves to Egypt. God called Moses to face the pains of his past so that the Israelites could face a future of freedom. His plans of emancipation required that Moses obey Him, listen to His voice, follow His instructions and trust Him.

Moses quivered and doubted. He made excuses. He felt unfit and unqualified for such a task. But God met Moses at his doubts. He called him to courage and went on to use Moses as an instrument of deliverance, truth, power and freedom. Yes Moses made mistakes along the way, but God was powerful in, through and in spite of each one. Through it all, God led as only God can. He led with power. He led with purpose. He led with love. And through Moses, God led His people to a new place of promise and freedom.

Sometimes God’s will leads us to terribly hard places. If God is calling you to come up higher, you can be assured that He will lead, provide and guide you into His will for His glory. He has great plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Step out in faith today trusting God with your future and His plans for your good and His glory. There is great hope with Him.

Like the impossible task of walking on water, Jesus wants us to step out in faith. He is already there waiting for you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding…” Proverbs 3:5-6

Dear God, with a penitent heart, I ask you to show me the plans you have for me. Bind me to your word and to your strength so I will have the courage not just to listen but to be obedient to your will in my life. Help me submit to way. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Thank you for stopping by. Until next time…much love.

Published by

Fay Ann Swearing

I am Fay Ann, and it is pretty simple. I am a firm believer in God and a Christian blogger who loves writing. My mission is to encourage others to continue living for Christ and remain faithful, focus and fervent. I know God loves me and he also loves you because you are His child; and his nature is to love His children. I am here to declare God’s praises to those who don’t know him so they can find his marvellous light and leave their world of darkness. It is also my desire to become a channel of inspiration and hope to other people especially women who are struggling. I also have the passion to inspire young people to live their life with a purpose for the Lord. I have learned that what milk is to a baby’s body, the word of God is to the soul. It is the food that fuels healthy spiritual growth and just like your mother used to tell you, if you want to grow you need to eat. I feel strongly that these daily reminders of God’s word and presence in our lives is key to maintaining a Godly perspective as we begin each day; and pray that you will be inspired and blessed by the daily devotionals and are passing them along to family and friends. My favourite activities include reading, writing and spending time with great friends and family. I love to share the best thing in my life, the gospel. Let’s be stronger together. You can subscribe below to receive free grace-filled devotionals for your encouragement. God Bless you richly. Shalom.

6 thoughts on “Trusting God With Your Future”

  1. Thank you
    This post I found to be interstingTGod is table to turn our mess into something great like Hé did for Moses.I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.Hâve a lovely day .Keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen! The Christian life is not always easy. God will allow difficulties at times so we can learn and grow. As we keep persevering in Christ, our faith and trust in Him will also increase. Thanks Fay! ❤️😊


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