Anchored in Peace

In the tumultuous seas of life, where worries and fears abound,
Bills and expenses, relentless waves,
Tossing me to and fro, a tempest in my soul,
Cares of life and concerns, burdens heavy,
Rocking my boat, shaking my peace.

In the midst of chaos, my heart cries out,
Overwhelmed by the weight of it all,
The storm rages, and I feel small,
Lost in the sea of life’s demands.

But then, a whisper, a gentle reminder,
The Peace Keeper is in my boat,
His presence, a calming peace,
His love, a beacon in the night.

He stands by me, unshaken, unwavering,
His voice speaks peace to my troubled heart,
“Be still,” He says, “I am with you,
In every storm, I am your peace.”

With Him, I find strength to endure,
Peace in the midst of despair,
For His grace is sufficient, His power, unmatched,
In His embrace, I find rest.

No wave too high, no burden too great,
For the Peace Keeper is with me, guiding my way,
Through the storms of life, I am secure,
Anchored in His love, forever at peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this spaceā€¦much love and blessings.