A Prayer Amidst Shadows

She uttered a cry from the depths of her soul,
“Oh Lord, hear me in this desolate hour,
My heart is weary, and my spirit is frail,
Lift me from this abyss of despair.”

In this silence, where shadows gather,
And murmurs of despair linger,
I seek your light in the darkness,
Yearning for your comforting touch.

The night is a blanket of sorrow,
Stars hidden behind veils of tears,
Within this darkness, I yearn
For the warmth of your unseen light.

Oh Lord, hear the lament of a weary heart,
A soul battered by life’s tempest,
Guide me through this valley of shadows,
Where each step is a leap of faith.

I stand at the crossroads of hope and despair,
Eyes searching for the dawn,
Hands reaching for the unseen,
For I know, even in silence, you are near.

Strengthen these fragile wings,
That I might rise above the storm,
To soar in the expanse of your grace,
Where peace transcends all understanding.

Oh Lord, in this moment of surrender,
I offer my brokenness, my tears,
For in your hands, there is healing,
And in your presence, there is peace.

She uttered a cry from the depths of her soul,
“Oh Lord, let your love be my refuge,
Your peace, my everlasting song,
And your grace, my guiding light.”

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Eclipsed Horizons

In the silence of a starless night,
Beneath the weight of endless fright,
A voice laments in whispered plea:
“Is this how life will always be?”

Shadows dance on walls of pain,
Echoes of loss, a dark refrain.
Each breath a struggle, each step a fight,
In a world where there’s no hope in sight.

Eyes once bright, now dimmed and cold,
Dreams fade to ashes, stories untold.
The future’s shrouded, wrapped in fear,
Tomorrow’s dawn seems never near.

Is this how life will always be,
Bound in chains, never free?
The light has fled, the darkness tight,
With no escape, no hope in sight.

Despair’s cold hand grips the soul,
A bottomless pit, an endless hole.
In the heart where hope once thrived,
The echoes of sadness now reside.

Is this how life will always be,
A ceaseless storm, a raging sea?
No guiding star, no end in sight,
A world consumed by endless night.

Yet in the depths, a flicker remains,
A fragile spark defies the chains.
Though darkness looms and swallows light,
One breath of hope, one final fight.

Is this how life will always be,
Or can we rise, can we see?
In the bleakest hour, hold on tight,
For even in dark, there’s hope in sight.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍