Peace be Still

In the boat, on the stormy sea,
The disciples feared what was to be.
Waves crashed high, winds howled loud,
Hearts were heavy, heads were bowed.

“Master, wake up, can’t you see?
The storm is fierce, we’re lost at sea.”
Jesus rose, calm and serene,
Faced the tempest, His power seen.

“Peace, be still,” His words rang clear,
Winds obeyed, the storm disappeared.
Waters calmed, skies turned bright,
In His voice, they found the light.

Through life’s storms, we often sail,
Waves of worry, winds that wail.
But in our hearts, His words remain,
“Peace, be still,” through joy and pain.

He is our guide, our calming shore,
In every trial, we trust Him more.
For in His love, our fears release,
In His presence, we find peace.

So journey on, through storm and strife,
With Jesus Christ, the Light of life.
He speaks to the storms within our soul,
“Peace, be still,” and makes us whole.

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.