Quiescent Blades: Embracing Peace

There is always a battle that needs attending, 
and the scabbard remains empty, 
echoes of past struggles whisper in the wind, 
each one a memory of pain and strife.

The fields lay barren, yet the war drums sound, 
calling for warriors to rise once more, 
but the sword that once gleamed with purpose, 
now rests untouched, its blade dulled by time.

In the silence of the night, under a canopy of stars, 
we ponder the weight of battles fought and lost, 
wondering if the fight is still worth the scars, 
if the victory is ever worth the cost.

The heart grows weary, the spirit tired, 
and the scabbard remains empty, 
a silent testament to the toll of endless wars, 
a reminder that sometimes, to lay down arms is the greatest battle won.

For peace is a rare and precious thing, 
a fragile truce between the chaos within, 
and in the stillness of an unworn blade, 
we find the strength to heal, to begin again.

There is always a battle that needs attending, 
but sometimes, the bravest act of all, 
is to let the scabbard remain empty, 
to choose the path of peace, and stand tall.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

In His Peace: Weathering Life’s Storms

In the tempest’s fury, when the waves
rise up like towering giants,
and the wind howls its relentless cry,
we find ourselves adrift,
tossed by the chaos of life.

Yet, in the heart of the storm,
His voice, calm and unwavering,
speaks into the tumult,
“Peace, be still.”

His words cut through the darkness,
stilling the waters with a command
so gentle, yet filled with authority,
that even the sea obeys His will.

Anchored in His peace,
we discover a sanctuary
where fear cannot follow,
where the clamor of the world
is silenced by His presence.

In the quiet that follows,
our souls breathe again,
finding rest in the assurance
that He is with us,
that He commands the winds and the waves, and they obey Him.

We are not abandoned
to the chaos of the storm,
for He is our anchor,
holding us steadfast
in the midst of the fray.

And in that sacred stillness,
we come to understand
that His peace is not the absence of trouble,
but the presence of His love,
a love that calms the fiercest seas,
a love that holds us close,
anchored, unshaken,
forever in His peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Anchored in Peace

In the tumultuous seas of life, where worries and fears abound,
Bills and expenses, relentless waves,
Tossing me to and fro, a tempest in my soul,
Cares of life and concerns, burdens heavy,
Rocking my boat, shaking my peace.

In the midst of chaos, my heart cries out,
Overwhelmed by the weight of it all,
The storm rages, and I feel small,
Lost in the sea of life’s demands.

But then, a whisper, a gentle reminder,
The Peace Keeper is in my boat,
His presence, a calming peace,
His love, a beacon in the night.

He stands by me, unshaken, unwavering,
His voice speaks peace to my troubled heart,
“Be still,” He says, “I am with you,
In every storm, I am your peace.”

With Him, I find strength to endure,
Peace in the midst of despair,
For His grace is sufficient, His power, unmatched,
In His embrace, I find rest.

No wave too high, no burden too great,
For the Peace Keeper is with me, guiding my way,
Through the storms of life, I am secure,
Anchored in His love, forever at peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Running from the Unknown

Maybe one day I will stop running from the unknown…
but for now I run.
Running is what I do best,
feet pounding the pavement, heart racing,
chasing shadows in the twilight.

There is a freedom in the flight,
a solace in the speed,
an escape from the echoes of unmet dreams.
The wind in my hair whispers secrets,
promises of places far from here,
where the burden of expectation falls away,
and the weight of longing is lifted.

Maybe one day I will muster the fortitude to stand still,
to embrace the serenity, the stillness of joy,
but for now I run.
Running is what I do best,
the cadence of my stride a sonnet of escape,
a ballet with the transient and the elusive,
always in motion, never at rest.

In the spaces between breaths, I glimpse it,
a flicker of something more,
a hint of the peace I keep at bay,
but the road calls me onward,
the horizon beckons with its siren song,
and I follow, always follow,
knowing that maybe one day,
I will find the strength to stop.

But for now I run,
and in the running, I am free,
even if only for a moment,
from the fear of the unknown
that grips my chest and won’t let go.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Orchids of Sadness – Part 2

As I linger in this garden of despair,
I notice a shift, a subtle change,
a ray of sunlight piercing through the gloom,
illuminating the orchids with a gentle warmth.

New buds appear, timid yet resilient,
their colors vibrant against the backdrop of sorrow.
These are not blooms of pain, but of hope,
each petal a whisper of promise, each stem a testament to strength.

I nurture them, these fragile new blossoms,
with tender care and newfound faith.
The waters of anxiety begin to recede,
replaced by streams of grace and renewal.

The thorns still prick, but they no longer wound,
for I’ve learned to handle them with wisdom.
I see beyond the pain, to the beauty that lies within,
and I understand that both joy and sorrow are intertwined in the garden of my heart.

As the orchids of sadness slowly fade,
their petals falling like memories,
new flowers take their place,
symbols of resilience, of hope, of healing.

In this ever-changing garden,
I find solace, a quiet strength.
For I know that even in the darkest moments,
there is the potential for light, for growth, for peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Orchids of Sadness – Part 1

I’m slipping into a familiar feeling, 
where sadness blooms orchids of pain. 
Their petals delicate, yet laden with sorrow, 
each bloom a memory, each petal a tear.

In the garden of my heart, they flourish, 
fed by the waters of anxiety. 
Their roots dig deep, anchoring the ache, 
entwined with memories, each one a reminder of what was, and what will never be.

I try to pluck them, one by one, 
but their thorns prick my fingers, 
drawing blood, mingling with my tears. 
I tend to them with trembling hands.

Yet, amidst the blooms of sadness, 
there is beauty, a seed of hope, a bittersweet reminder of the depth of my emotions, 
of the richness of my soul’s garden.

So I let them bloom, these orchids of sadness, 
knowing that in their fading petals, 
there is healing, there is growth, 
and perhaps, in time, there will be peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Peace Enveloped in Tranquil Love

Your presence feels like silk to my supple skin,
A divine touch in a world of turmoil,
Calming my restless spirit with your peace.

In moments of quiet,
Your love envelops me,
A soft whisper amidst life’s clamor,
A healing balm for my weary soul.

You are the peace in my storm,
The light in my darkness,
A constant, gentle reminder,
That your love, true and unwavering, exists.

I close my eyes and breathe you in,
A fragrance of grace and promise,
Your presence, a sacred touch,
That lingers in my heart,
Filling me with your peace beyond comprehension.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Eternal Peace: His Gift, Our Anchor

In the midst of chaos, His peace envelops us, transcending understanding. The storms of life may rage, but within our hearts, a divine calm prevails. His peace is not of this world but a gift from the Father, an anchor in turbulent times.

Still waters reflect,
His promises eternal,
Peace in every storm.

Through trials and tribulations, His peace remains steadfast, a quiet assurance that surpasses all human comprehension. It is the gentle whisper in the midst of roaring winds, the calm that hushes our fears.

Amidst the tempest,
a serene voice calms the waves,
faith anchors the soul.

In His peace, we find rest for our weary souls, a balm that heals our deepest wounds. It is a light that shines in darkness, guiding us through the unknown with unwavering hope.

Stars pierce the night sky,
His peace a guiding beacon,
we rest in His grace.

As we dwell in His peace, we are reminded of His everlasting love and faithfulness. It is a peace that guards our hearts and minds, a testament to His presence with us always.

Hearts wrapped in His love,
eternal peace embraces,
in Him, we are whole.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Divine Peace

A peace that surpasses understanding,
a quiet hush in the storm’s roar,
a balm for the weary soul,
a whispered promise, forevermore.

Not born of earthly comfort,
but a gift from the Father’s hand,
a strength that transcends our weakness,
a peace that will forever stand.

A peace not shaken by the world’s demands,
it flows like waves upon the sands,
His peace, eternal, firmly stands,
a testament of love’s commands.

So let us dwell in His peace divine,
In every moment, in every line.
For in His presence, our hearts find rest,
In His peace, we are truly blessed.

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:7

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Peace be Still

In the boat, on the stormy sea,
The disciples feared what was to be.
Waves crashed high, winds howled loud,
Hearts were heavy, heads were bowed.

“Master, wake up, can’t you see?
The storm is fierce, we’re lost at sea.”
Jesus rose, calm and serene,
Faced the tempest, His power seen.

“Peace, be still,” His words rang clear,
Winds obeyed, the storm disappeared.
Waters calmed, skies turned bright,
In His voice, they found the light.

Through life’s storms, we often sail,
Waves of worry, winds that wail.
But in our hearts, His words remain,
“Peace, be still,” through joy and pain.

He is our guide, our calming shore,
In every trial, we trust Him more.
For in His love, our fears release,
In His presence, we find peace.

So journey on, through storm and strife,
With Jesus Christ, the Light of life.
He speaks to the storms within our soul,
“Peace, be still,” and makes us whole.

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.