The Crushed Flower

The flower got crushed,
Mangled and trampled,
Cut off from the stem and root.

Once vibrant and full of life,
Now, a mere fragment,
A shadow of its former self.

Its petals, torn and scattered,
A canvas of silent screams,
Bruised by the weight of indifference.

It lay on the ground,
Unseen, unacknowledged,
A casualty of carelessness.

Yet, in its brokenness,
There is a story,
A testament to its existence.

It had once bloomed,
Reaching for the sun,
Swaying gently in the breeze.

Even now, severed and crushed,
It holds a certain beauty,
A quiet dignity in its ruin.

For though it has fallen,
It had once stood tall,
Had once been whole,
Had once lived.

And in that memory,
There is a resilience,
A whisper of life that lingers.

The flower got crushed,
But it had once been,
And in that being,
It left its mark,
A trace of grace amidst the wreckage.

Footnote: This poem explores the delicate beauty and resilience of life in the face of adversity. It speaks to the fragility of existence, yet also to the enduring spirit that rises from the ashes of destruction. Like a crushed flower, life’s challenges may bruise and break us, but they also have the power to transform us, revealing the strength and beauty that lies within.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Orchids of Sadness – Part 2

As I linger in this garden of despair,
I notice a shift, a subtle change,
a ray of sunlight piercing through the gloom,
illuminating the orchids with a gentle warmth.

New buds appear, timid yet resilient,
their colors vibrant against the backdrop of sorrow.
These are not blooms of pain, but of hope,
each petal a whisper of promise, each stem a testament to strength.

I nurture them, these fragile new blossoms,
with tender care and newfound faith.
The waters of anxiety begin to recede,
replaced by streams of grace and renewal.

The thorns still prick, but they no longer wound,
for I’ve learned to handle them with wisdom.
I see beyond the pain, to the beauty that lies within,
and I understand that both joy and sorrow are intertwined in the garden of my heart.

As the orchids of sadness slowly fade,
their petals falling like memories,
new flowers take their place,
symbols of resilience, of hope, of healing.

In this ever-changing garden,
I find solace, a quiet strength.
For I know that even in the darkest moments,
there is the potential for light, for growth, for peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.