In His Peace: Weathering Life’s Storms

In the tempest’s fury, when the waves
rise up like towering giants,
and the wind howls its relentless cry,
we find ourselves adrift,
tossed by the chaos of life.

Yet, in the heart of the storm,
His voice, calm and unwavering,
speaks into the tumult,
“Peace, be still.”

His words cut through the darkness,
stilling the waters with a command
so gentle, yet filled with authority,
that even the sea obeys His will.

Anchored in His peace,
we discover a sanctuary
where fear cannot follow,
where the clamor of the world
is silenced by His presence.

In the quiet that follows,
our souls breathe again,
finding rest in the assurance
that He is with us,
that He commands the winds and the waves, and they obey Him.

We are not abandoned
to the chaos of the storm,
for He is our anchor,
holding us steadfast
in the midst of the fray.

And in that sacred stillness,
we come to understand
that His peace is not the absence of trouble,
but the presence of His love,
a love that calms the fiercest seas,
a love that holds us close,
anchored, unshaken,
forever in His peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Whispers of Hope

In the shadowed corners of our souls, 
pain lingers, a steadfast companion, 
its presence is known more than the fleeting touch of joy.

We’ve learned to navigate its depths, 
its waters dark yet strangely familiar, 
charting a course through the currents of despair.

It has become a language we speak fluently, 
a narrative woven into the fabric of our lives, 
a tale etched deeply into our hearts.

But amidst the ache and the sorrow,
there lies a whisper of something else,
a distant memory of another way of being

And so we cling to the hope that one day, happiness will be more than a visitor, 
that it will settle in our hearts and make a home.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Anchored in Peace

In the tumultuous seas of life, where worries and fears abound,
Bills and expenses, relentless waves,
Tossing me to and fro, a tempest in my soul,
Cares of life and concerns, burdens heavy,
Rocking my boat, shaking my peace.

In the midst of chaos, my heart cries out,
Overwhelmed by the weight of it all,
The storm rages, and I feel small,
Lost in the sea of life’s demands.

But then, a whisper, a gentle reminder,
The Peace Keeper is in my boat,
His presence, a calming peace,
His love, a beacon in the night.

He stands by me, unshaken, unwavering,
His voice speaks peace to my troubled heart,
“Be still,” He says, “I am with you,
In every storm, I am your peace.”

With Him, I find strength to endure,
Peace in the midst of despair,
For His grace is sufficient, His power, unmatched,
In His embrace, I find rest.

No wave too high, no burden too great,
For the Peace Keeper is with me, guiding my way,
Through the storms of life, I am secure,
Anchored in His love, forever at peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Phoenix Ascendant

Battling my own demons as life eats me alive,
Each day, a struggle, a test of will,
Shadows loom large, whispers of doubt,
Yet, I press on, searching for light.

In the chaos, I seek a glimmer of hope,
A spark of faith to ignite my soul,
Strength in vulnerability, courage in tears,
Finding resilience in the depths of despair.

Life’s trials may weigh heavy on my heart,
But within me lies a spirit unbroken,
For every fall, there’s a rise,
A testament to the power within.

Through the storm, I’ll find my way,
Guided by an inner compass,
With every battle, I grow stronger,
Emerging from the ashes, reborn.

Phoenix ascendant, soaring high, 
From the embers, I touch the sky.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Drifting Emotions

My emotions, looking for a place, 
Slowly drifting, 
Like clouds in an endless sky, 
Searching for peace, as time passes by, 
Whispering secrets to the night.

With no respite in sight, 
I will wither like a flower
Left untouched by the gentle rain, 
A soul parched in its darkest hour, 
Longing for a soothing refrain.
I will fade away 
Into the unknown, 
Lost in the shadows, 
Where sorrow has grown.

The echo of silence 
Fills the empty space, 
My heart in fragments, 
Longing for grace. 
In this vast void, 
Hope feels remote, 
Yet I hold on 
To a faith-filled note.

My emotions, once clear, 
Now a distant blur, 
Seeking solace, 
In prayers, that stir. 
Though I may wither, 
And fade from view, 
I trust in God’s love, 
To restore and make me new.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Orchids of Sadness – Part 2

As I linger in this garden of despair,
I notice a shift, a subtle change,
a ray of sunlight piercing through the gloom,
illuminating the orchids with a gentle warmth.

New buds appear, timid yet resilient,
their colors vibrant against the backdrop of sorrow.
These are not blooms of pain, but of hope,
each petal a whisper of promise, each stem a testament to strength.

I nurture them, these fragile new blossoms,
with tender care and newfound faith.
The waters of anxiety begin to recede,
replaced by streams of grace and renewal.

The thorns still prick, but they no longer wound,
for I’ve learned to handle them with wisdom.
I see beyond the pain, to the beauty that lies within,
and I understand that both joy and sorrow are intertwined in the garden of my heart.

As the orchids of sadness slowly fade,
their petals falling like memories,
new flowers take their place,
symbols of resilience, of hope, of healing.

In this ever-changing garden,
I find solace, a quiet strength.
For I know that even in the darkest moments,
there is the potential for light, for growth, for peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Faith Tested: A Journey of Trust

When faith is put to the test,
It’s like walking on a tightrope,
Balancing between doubt and belief,
A fragile dance of trust and uncertainty.

In the silence of the night,
When prayers seem to echo back,
And the answers are nowhere in sight,
Faith becomes a quiet, steadfast hope.

It’s in the moments of deepest darkness,
When the world seems to crumble,
That faith shines brightest,
A beacon of light in the midst of the storm.

For faith is not blind,
But a choice to see beyond,
To trust in the unseen,
And believe in the impossible.

So when faith is put to the test,
It’s not about the outcome,
But the journey of the soul,
Growing stronger, deeper, and more whole.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Strength in Frailty: A Psalm of Hope

In the frailty of my flesh,
In the fickleness of my heart,
God’s strength shines bright,
A beacon in the dark.

When weariness weighs heavy,
And burdens seem too great,
God’s hand lifts me up,
And carries me to a better state.

My portion, my refuge,
In Him, I find my rest,
God is my strength,
In Him, I am truly blessed.

“My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.” Psalm 73:26

It is God who sustains me, who gives me the strength to face each day. Despite the frailty of my flesh and the fickleness of my heart, God remains constant. He is my strength, my refuge, my portion forever.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Fading Strength

The day’s struggles weigh heavily on me, each step a reminder of my limitations. My strength wanes, and my heart feels the burden of life’s relentless trials. Yet, in this moment of vulnerability, I find solace in the eternal promise.

my strength fades away—
beneath the shade of His wings
hope renews my soul

Amidst the shadows of my failing flesh, I discovered a quiet reassurance. The Almighty’s presence becomes my refuge, a constant source of strength that transcends my mortal frailties.

“My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.” Psalm 73:26

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

The Voice Within

The voice inside me tells me to get up,
To rise from shadows where I’ve been stuck.
In whispered tones, it calls my name,
A gentle push, a steady flame.

Through darkest nights and stormy seas,
It bids me stand, to find release.
In every trial, in every fight,
This voice within brings forth the light.

No chains can hold, no fear can tether,
With newfound strength, I rise forever.
The voice inside me tells me to get up,
In faith I rise, my spirit erupts.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.