Held in Divine Embrace

Life has served me a hard play,
each scene, a trial, each act a challenge.
The weight of sorrow, the grip of sickness,
pressed down, constricting, relentless.
Yet through the haze of struggle,
a gentle hand reached out.

His love, a balm to my soul,
restored my resilience,
mending the fractures, healing the wounds.
In the tempest of despair,
His peace, a quiet voice, whispered calm,
reminding me of grace, unending.

Kept me sane amidst the chaos,
a sanctuary in the storm,
guiding me through the darkest nights,
bringing light to shadowed paths.
In His peace, I found my strength,
a steadfast anchor, unyielding, true.

Life’s hard play may continue,
but with His love and His peace, I am renewed,
softness restored, soul secure,
held fast in divine embrace.

Amidst the vicissitudes of existence,
His benevolence remains,
an ineffable presence, ever steadfast.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Quiescent Blades: Embracing Peace

There is always a battle that needs attending, 
and the scabbard remains empty, 
echoes of past struggles whisper in the wind, 
each one a memory of pain and strife.

The fields lay barren, yet the war drums sound, 
calling for warriors to rise once more, 
but the sword that once gleamed with purpose, 
now rests untouched, its blade dulled by time.

In the silence of the night, under a canopy of stars, 
we ponder the weight of battles fought and lost, 
wondering if the fight is still worth the scars, 
if the victory is ever worth the cost.

The heart grows weary, the spirit tired, 
and the scabbard remains empty, 
a silent testament to the toll of endless wars, 
a reminder that sometimes, to lay down arms is the greatest battle won.

For peace is a rare and precious thing, 
a fragile truce between the chaos within, 
and in the stillness of an unworn blade, 
we find the strength to heal, to begin again.

There is always a battle that needs attending, 
but sometimes, the bravest act of all, 
is to let the scabbard remain empty, 
to choose the path of peace, and stand tall.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Orchids of Sadness – Part 2

As I linger in this garden of despair,
I notice a shift, a subtle change,
a ray of sunlight piercing through the gloom,
illuminating the orchids with a gentle warmth.

New buds appear, timid yet resilient,
their colors vibrant against the backdrop of sorrow.
These are not blooms of pain, but of hope,
each petal a whisper of promise, each stem a testament to strength.

I nurture them, these fragile new blossoms,
with tender care and newfound faith.
The waters of anxiety begin to recede,
replaced by streams of grace and renewal.

The thorns still prick, but they no longer wound,
for I’ve learned to handle them with wisdom.
I see beyond the pain, to the beauty that lies within,
and I understand that both joy and sorrow are intertwined in the garden of my heart.

As the orchids of sadness slowly fade,
their petals falling like memories,
new flowers take their place,
symbols of resilience, of hope, of healing.

In this ever-changing garden,
I find solace, a quiet strength.
For I know that even in the darkest moments,
there is the potential for light, for growth, for peace.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Solitude’s Echo

I long for the closeness that I once had,
There is an emptiness inside that echoes along the walls of my soul.
In the quiet hours, when the world is still,
I feel the weight of this hollow ache.

Memories drift like ghosts in the twilight,
Familiar faces, cherished moments,
Now distant, like stars just out of reach,
Their light a reminder of what once was.

The laughter we shared, the warmth of touch,
All seem to fade into the mist of time,
Leaving behind a void, a silent chasm,
Where once there was love, now there is space.

I walk through the corridors of my heart,
Listening to the echoes, the whispering past,
Each step reverberates with longing,
Each breath a sigh for the closeness I crave.

In this vast emptiness, I search for meaning,
A flicker of hope in the darkness,
A promise that one day, this void will be filled,
That the echoes will transform into a harmonious chorus.

Until then, I wander in this solitude,
Embracing the pain, the emptiness,
Trusting that in the stillness, in the silence,
I will find the strength to heal, to hope, to reconnect again.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍

Journey of Healing

In the hush of night, a dream unfolds,
I’m driving a wheelbarrow, navigating life’s roads.
Picking up pieces of shattered glass,
Each shard is a memory, a pain from the past.

A church sister appears, offering a hand,
But I smile and decline, I must take a stand.
For though the glass may cut and sting,
I know deep down, I am healing.

With each piece I gather, I grow strong,
In the brokenness, I find where I belong.
The wheelbarrow fills, the weight bears down,
But I carry on, shedding my frown.

I am driving towards a brighter day,
Where the shards of yesterday will fade away.
In this dream, I find my resolve,
To keep moving forward, to evolve.

So to the church sister, I softly say,
“I am alright, I’ll find my way.”
And with each broken piece I leave behind,
I find strength in my heart, peace in my mind.

Footnote: This poem is inspired by a dream shared with me by a church sister, offering a poignant reminder of the strength found in facing life’s adversities.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍

Soul Provider

In the depths of my soul, where silence meets the fray,
There’s a gentle voice that whispers, guiding me each day.
In the chaos of life’s storm, when I’m lost and feeling low,
It’s my soul provider, Jesus, who helps me to grow.

He’s the light in my darkness, the strength in my strife,
My rock and my refuge, the source of my life.
When I’m weary and burdened, He gives me rest,
Filling my soul with peace, and calming my unrest.

He’s the one who provides, in abundance and grace,
Every need that I have, He’ll faithfully embrace.
He’s my healer, my comforter, my friend and my guide,
In Him, my soul finds rest, and in Him, I abide.

So I’ll trust in my soul provider, and lean on His love,
Knowing that He watches over me from heaven above.
In every season of life, in joy and in pain,
He’s my constant companion, my life He sustains.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍

God Heals Broken Hearts

Broken. Shattered. Forgotten. Pushed aside. You are going along through life, and suddenly it happens. You find yourself with a broken heart. And it hurts. Ever felt that way? 😭

So often we try to hide our pain, preferring instead to present to the world, a beautiful façade of who we are, more like a perfect version. We find it too difficult to risk the real vulnerability of exposing what once was or what really is.

Continue reading God Heals Broken Hearts