Guided Through the Maze

I’m running through a maze. Endless.
Twisting paths and shadowed corners,
no exit in sight, only walls rising high,
blocking the sky, trapping me in the labyrinth.

No one around, the silence is heavy,
my footsteps echo, a lonely rhythm,
the beating of my heart, the only sound
in this desolate maze, endless and unyielding.

I run through narrow corridors,
turning corners, hoping for a way out,
only to find more walls, more dead ends,
the labyrinth mocking my every move.

But in the depths of my solitude,
I feel a presence, a quiet whisper,
a voice that calms the storm within,
reminding me I am not alone.

Though no one is around, He is here,
guiding my steps, even when I falter,
His light piercing the darkest corners,
His love, a compass in this endless maze.

The air is thick with uncertainty,
but each breath becomes a prayer,
each step a testament to faith,
knowing He walks with me, always.

No one around, yet I am held,
by the One who knows every path,
every turn, every dead end,
leading me towards His promised rest.

I run, I stumble, I rise again,
lost in this maze, endless and unforgiving,
but trusting in His guidance,
finding strength in His presence.

No one around, but I am never alone,
for in this maze, endless and unyielding,
He is my refuge, my fortress,
my constant, unwavering guide.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

A Divine Whisper in the Hospital

In the quiet of the hospital, amidst the beeping machines,
I sat, my thoughts a swirling storm, a maze of hopes and dreams.
A family member, dear to me, has undergone much pain,
Surgery upon surgery, a relentless, pounding rain.

As I pondered her suffering, my heart heavy and worn,
I thought of a friend, once close, now distant, strangely torn.
Her silence echoed loudly, a chasm cold and deep,
Leaving me bewildered, in sadness, I silently weep.

But in the midst of this turmoil, a gentle whisper I hear,
A voice familiar yet mighty, dispelling every fear.
It’s the voice of God, who knows my every need,
Reminding me like Gideon, with Him, I’ll surely succeed.

“I am with you,” He says, “you need not be afraid,
Though friends may forsake you, in My love, you’re fully swayed.
I am your strength, your shield, your ever-present guide,
In Me, you’ll find the courage, in Me, you can safely abide.”

So, in the hospital’s stillness, I bow my head in prayer,
Thanking God for His promise, His presence always there.
With faith renewed, I’ll rise, to face another day,
For with the Lord beside me, I’ll find my steadfast way.

I don’t need an army, I don’t need a throng,
For with God beside me, I am strong.
In the hospital’s quiet, His voice I hear,
Bringing me hope, dispelling my fear.

Footnote: This poem was inspired by a personal experience I had while sitting in the hospital room, reflecting on the challenges faced by a family member undergoing multiple surgeries and the complexities of strained relationships with friends. It explores themes of faith, comfort, and perseverance in the face of adversity, drawing parallels to the biblical story of Gideon to find strength in God’s presence and promises.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings. ♥♥♥