Held in Divine Embrace

Life has served me a hard play,
each scene, a trial, each act a challenge.
The weight of sorrow, the grip of sickness,
pressed down, constricting, relentless.
Yet through the haze of struggle,
a gentle hand reached out.

His love, a balm to my soul,
restored my resilience,
mending the fractures, healing the wounds.
In the tempest of despair,
His peace, a quiet voice, whispered calm,
reminding me of grace, unending.

Kept me sane amidst the chaos,
a sanctuary in the storm,
guiding me through the darkest nights,
bringing light to shadowed paths.
In His peace, I found my strength,
a steadfast anchor, unyielding, true.

Life’s hard play may continue,
but with His love and His peace, I am renewed,
softness restored, soul secure,
held fast in divine embrace.

Amidst the vicissitudes of existence,
His benevolence remains,
an ineffable presence, ever steadfast.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Eternal Peace: His Gift, Our Anchor

In the midst of chaos, His peace envelops us, transcending understanding. The storms of life may rage, but within our hearts, a divine calm prevails. His peace is not of this world but a gift from the Father, an anchor in turbulent times.

Still waters reflect,
His promises eternal,
Peace in every storm.

Through trials and tribulations, His peace remains steadfast, a quiet assurance that surpasses all human comprehension. It is the gentle whisper in the midst of roaring winds, the calm that hushes our fears.

Amidst the tempest,
a serene voice calms the waves,
faith anchors the soul.

In His peace, we find rest for our weary souls, a balm that heals our deepest wounds. It is a light that shines in darkness, guiding us through the unknown with unwavering hope.

Stars pierce the night sky,
His peace a guiding beacon,
we rest in His grace.

As we dwell in His peace, we are reminded of His everlasting love and faithfulness. It is a peace that guards our hearts and minds, a testament to His presence with us always.

Hearts wrapped in His love,
eternal peace embraces,
in Him, we are whole.

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.

Transcendent Peace

Thou wilt keep in perfect peace,
The hearts that trust, all worries cease.
In turmoil’s grip, when fears increase,
In Thee, O Lord, our worries find release.

Thy promises, our anchor strong, 
In Thee, we find where we belong. 
Thy peace, surpassing earthly plight, 
A guiding star through the darkest night.

In perfect peace, our souls abide, 
Within Thy love, there’s none to hide. 
Because we trust and rest in Thee, 
Our hearts are calm, our spirits free.

So keep us, Lord, in Thy peace divine, 
With minds on Thee, in faith align. 
For in Thy presence, troubles cease, 
And in Thy care, we dwell in peace.

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

As always, thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, comment, or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.