
To enter and stay on the narrow path is no easy matter. All who enter this narrow path gain admittance to the “WAY” which “leads unto eternal life;” but all who enter not or discontinue on the narrow path are eternally barred from God’s presence. Many will take the easy way out.

The narrow path is not difficult because it has potholes, debris, or rocks on it. It is difficult because it is narrow and filled with specific and strict directions which must be followed through. The narrow path is more difficult than most Christians realize. This path is about self-denial, temptations must be resisted on a daily basis, keeping our bodies under subjection etc.

In contrast, the broad road is comfortable and many are walking this road. It is pleasant, enjoyable, and filled with friends. The broad road looks promising and prosperous at first, but if travelled for any length of time lead only to despair, defeat and death. Proverbs 14:12 tells us there is a way which seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death. Because of man’s finite wisdom and ability, his limited understanding of the facts coupled with his sinfulness, man simply cannot direct his steps. What seems right to him results in the way of destruction and death.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if following Jesus was the easiest thing we could do? Popularity, material well-being and an absence of trials and temptations. Isn’t that the life most of us would love to have? It turns out a life like that is more likely to lead to destruction.

There are days when the narrow path gets rocky and rough but I must remind myself that I need to stay on the path regardless of how rough it gets. Have you ever felt like giving up on this narrow path? I have, many times. Who wants troubles and trials and suffering and persecution? I must admit that although there are numerous warning signs to stay on the narrow path, there are days when I am tempted to wander off the path.

We all have a tendency to lose sight of the narrow path and go astray. However, if we have slipped and have started walking on the path that leads to destruction, we can choose to change our path. We don’t have to keep on going down the path that leads to destruction. We can repent. Jesus came to pay the penalty for our sins and teach us to walk the path that leads to life. We can learn to stay our path, stay our course, even when the going gets rough. We should always seek divine direction. We must trust God and keep going. God guides the steps of His children who seek His direction. Our responsibility is to entrust our way to God for His direction and leading.
Psalm 31:3 For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.
Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

We should not be tempted to take a path of known danger even if it does promise to get us to our destination quicker. If we refuse to stay on the path we may not experience physical death but we may die spiritually.

Stepping off the path can ruin the beauty of the journey for others as well. We also need to stay on the path as an example for others. There will be many things along the path that we do not understand because our knowledge is limited, but God knows best. When we commit our lives to the Lord and daily seek His divine direction, then we can be sure that everything in our pathway is working together for our good (Romans 8:28). It is only as we stay on the narrow path that we continually receive reassurance, refreshing and strength to go on. Psalms 16: 11 says, “You (God) will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore”.

When you think of stepping off the path, think again. Our Heavenly Father who is faithful will lovingly guide you along the path. This I know, I know it from experience.

The life we live now may take on the characteristics of the broad way or of the narrow way. Are you on the smooth way, the way that meets the least resistance or are you on the narrow path, the less travelled path that leads to eternal life? Everyone gets to choose their own path in life, which will you choose? It is my earnest prayer that you will choose the road of the One who declared: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6.

Which gate are you going through and which path are you following?

Today make a decision to stay on the narrow path and encourage others to stay the path. May God help us as we choose to walk the narrow path, all the way to the end, the path that leads to eternal life.

Thank you for reading. Your presence here is much appreciated. ♥♥♥

Published by

Fay Ann Swearing

I am Fay Ann, and it is pretty simple. I am a firm believer in God and a Christian blogger who loves writing. My mission is to encourage others to continue living for Christ and remain faithful, focus and fervent. I know God loves me and he also loves you because you are His child; and his nature is to love His children. I am here to declare God’s praises to those who don’t know him so they can find his marvellous light and leave their world of darkness. It is also my desire to become a channel of inspiration and hope to other people especially women who are struggling. I also have the passion to inspire young people to live their life with a purpose for the Lord. I have learned that what milk is to a baby’s body, the word of God is to the soul. It is the food that fuels healthy spiritual growth and just like your mother used to tell you, if you want to grow you need to eat. I feel strongly that these daily reminders of God’s word and presence in our lives is key to maintaining a Godly perspective as we begin each day; and pray that you will be inspired and blessed by the daily devotionals and are passing them along to family and friends. My favourite activities include reading, writing and spending time with great friends and family. I love to share the best thing in my life, the gospel. Let’s be stronger together. You can subscribe below to receive free grace-filled devotionals for your encouragement. God Bless you richly. Shalom.

22 thoughts on “STAY ON THE NARROW PATH – PART 3”

  1. Amen! Like Christian in the allegorical book, Pilgrim’s Progress, we must keep the celestial city in view. We dare not venture to other towns or cities – the narrow path is where our feet must trod. Continue to sound the alarm beloved!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Fay! We must stay focused on the narrow path by keeping our focus on Christ. It is difficult and becoming worse as time passes but we can do it through His Spirit working in us (Philippians 4:13).


      1. Just let me know how we can share, I will be all for it. This is the first time that I have had such an invitation. Please keep up your good work.


      2. I see you have an amazing, blessed gift expounding the scriptures… having visiting your site, your expositions capture my attention and interest!

        My comment actually served to encourage you to continue on the journey of spreading the word of God.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks for pointing out my kindness. My kindness is a reflection of Christ. I have been walking with JESUS for 33 years, and its important that I imitate the characteristics of Christ…

        God is literally my all. Every day I try to be better than the day before. I have been working on the virtues of Patience and Humility, and God is working on that with me as well.

        Liked by 1 person

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